Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine Association of Medical Students in Košice (SMMK)
2nd International Student Medical Congress in Košice


Pavol Jozef Šafárik University – Faculty of Medicine offers Travel Grant 100 EUR for the winner (1st place) of each oral session. Each winner will recieve the grant during the Awarding Ceremony on June 24th at 14:00 (2.00 pm) in the Great Hall of the Faculty of Medicine, Trieda SNP 1, Košice.

Check the official website of the Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA, n.o.) for more possibilities to obtain scholarships to Slovakia. However these scholarships are offered more for long-term stays in Slovakia.

Organizing Committee ISMCK´10 helps our participants to save as much money as possible. As soon as you register at our registration desk you basically do not need much money to spend in Kosice. The registration fee covers all expenses connected with accommodation, food, public transport, presentations, lectures, workshops and social program. In case you are interested in our postcongress tour you have to pay only 90 EUR extra for an excellent three-day trip.

The real cost connected with above mentioned expenses exceeds the registration fees - the difference is kindly covered by Pavol Jozef Šafárik University – Faculty of Medicine in Košice.

Please, feel free to contact us for assistance to find the cheapest way to travel to Kosice or check for the cheapest flights, or for the cheapest trains or and for the cheapest busses. Although there is an airport in Kosice, the cheapest way may be to fly to Prague, Vienna, Bratislava or Budapest and take a train or bus to Kosice from there. However, if you are able support your travel you may choose plane directly to Kosice.